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Paolo Coelho, der von mir ja häufiger erwähnte Bestseller-Autor (u.a. „Der Alchimist“), schreibt in seinem Blog über den Schmerz und die unbändige Freude, etwas mit seinem Leben anzufangen, das man selbst für sinnvoll hält, seine Träume zu verfolgen. Dafür zu kämpfen. Trotz Niederschlägen.

If you are hurt about something that is meaningless to you, you can blame anybody else for it. But it is quite complicated to be hurt about something that is meaningful to you. Then you get confused, as you know the dream is there. And the dream is not going to leave you as long as you live. But besides the pain, there is also a great joy. You are fighting for something meaningful. Defeats are part of life, IF you don’t decide to quit. And at the end of your life, you will understand: the journey was fantastic.

Coelho’s Artikel findet ihr hier.

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Photo: Ken Bosma